Christian Scripture Graphics exists to provide servants of God with more time to focus on their calling.

We do this by providing a social media content solution.

  • Who is this for?

    Whether you are a Church, Christian content creator (Youtuber, Podcaster, Blogger, etc), Parachurch ministry, or a Christian business owner, we are here to serve you by providing quality content for your online presence so that you can continue to grow in reaching others for Christ.

  • How will this help you?

    Creating professional-looking Scripture Graphics is very time-consuming and skill-based. Unless you have a lot of time and money to invest in learning about graphic arts and various types of software, and the ability to reproduce quality graphics each week in different formats for various social media platforms, then you should consider letting us help you with your need. There are only 24 hours in a day and we want you to be able to spend that time doing the work that God has called you to do. By allowing Christian Scripture Graphics to provide you with a steady supply of quality graphics ready to post to all major platforms, you will be able to spend your time on the most pertinent parts of ministry. We pray that you will choose to let us be a part of growing your ministry and advancing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Let us serve you and save you time today!

Check out our available Scripture Graphics by clicking the button below.

"I’ve seen and experienced first-hand what it’s like to be in a ministry with few resources and little time. There are so many aspects to juggle that are all vying for your time and attention. Sometimes it’s the seemingly small things, that once they’re taken off your plate, can really make a significant impact on your time and energy."


  • Lack of time needed for vital ministry tasks

  • Frustration that you can’t spend more time focusing on your core ministry calling

  • Distractions that lead to loss of focus

  • Stress that drains energy for your most important ministry efforts


  • More time to spend on vital ministry efforts

  • More energy to pour into your most important ministry tasks

  • Increased focus on your central calling in ministry

  • Peace of mind that content for your online outreach will be provided

  • Quality Scripture-based content to benefit the souls of those you serve

  • Solid quotes from faithful preachers to stir the hearts of believers in Christ

Get your time back today!

About Us

Hi, my name is Adam Markley and I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, a husband to my beautiful wife, Melinda, a Bible teacher, preacher and podcaster. I have pastored for several years and founded Preaching for God’s Glory to build a resource to benefit believers in their walk with Christ. My desire for the Church and aim in ministry is to cultivate a love for God, instill a desire to seek Him in His Word and create a passion that leads to holy living.

Having been a pastor, I understand the challenges of being pulled in many directions. There is much ministry to be done! It’s hard to balance the time needed to pray fervently and specifically for the saints; prepare studied, Bible-immersed sermons with heart-searching application; teach discipleship courses; train up leaders in the church; conduct pastoral counseling; evangelize; organize church outreaches; visit the sick…and the list goes on and on. As a podcaster and content creator, I understand the extensive amount of time it takes to be relevant on social media. I understand the challenge of creating quality content that will make a difference and increase my reach with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

My wife, Melinda, felt this pressure as a pastor’s wife who was heavily involved in ministering in the church and supporting my pastorate. She said so eloquently, "I’ve seen and experienced first-hand what it’s like to be in a ministry with few resources and little time. There are so many aspects to juggle that are all vying for your time and attention. Sometimes it’s the seemingly small things, that once they’re taken off your plate, can really make a significant impact on your time and energy."

Melinda and I both see the great need that exists among churches, Christian ministries and Christian businesses and we want to serve you. We desire to see you increasingly impact more people online while staying focused on the ministry tasks that God has called you and gifted you to do.

We know that you’re busy… too busy to spend more time figuring out what you will publish on your social media platforms. You are busy doing the work of the ministry. Whether it’s preparing to preach, writing, podcasting, creating videos, or developing beneficial products and resources, we want you to have more time to dedicate to the vision that God has given you.

Christian Scripture Graphics is birthed out of this desire to help you in the ministry that God has called you to. My wife and I both have a heart to serve you by providing you more time to focus on your important tasks, more energy to put into the area of ministry of your choice, and peace of mind that you have your online content needs met.

Our Heart

We have a heart for God’s Church.

We have a heart for the small church.

We have a heart for busy pastors, teachers and other Christian content creators who desire to make God known to the world.

We have a heart for helping others succeed in their work and ministry.

Let us serve you and save you time today!

Eliminate your anxiety about what you will post on Facebook next week. Alleviate the frustration that comes with time spent on social media outreach rather than sermon writing, content creation, visitation, event planning, or other ways that you serve the body of Christ.

Partner with us today and enjoy the blessing of increased time for vital ministry work, enhanced energy to focus on your calling, and peace of mind that you have a solution to your internet outreach problems. Start spending more time in the most pertinent areas of your ministry today!